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Miyerkules, Nobyembre 18, 2015

Facts About the Ragdoll Cat Breed


In 1963, an American breeder by the name of Ann Baker was planning on breeding a new type of cat breed. Ann Baker already has a Persian/Angora breed cat named Josephine and this cat was going to be the foundation of a new cat breed called “Ragdoll cats.”
Ragdoll Cat White Breed
Ann began breeding her cat Josephine to a cat that looks like the “Sacred Cat of Burma”. This Sacred Cat of Burma” look-alike belonged to her neighbors the Pennels who let their cat be used a sire for breeding. From this breeding came “Daddy Warbucks” whom Ann used to mate with a female cat named “Buckwheat” who is Josephine’s daughter. The mating of Daddy Warbucks and Buckwheat produced a cat named “Fugianna”. It is from Buckwheat and Fugianna that the Ragdoll cats would come from, and thanks to selective breeding of traits such as gentle demeanor, large size and tendency to limp when picked up the Ragdoll cat breed enters into existence.

One of Ann Baker’s not-so-orthodox moves (perhaps a move to control her cat breed) was to reject the various traditional cat breeding associations and set up her won registry for her Ragdoll cats as well as trademark the “Ragdoll” name. This group would later become the International Ragdoll Cat Association or IRCA that would enforce stringent standards for Ragdoll cats to anyone who want to breed or sell cats of this type. The Ragdoll cat breed was not allowed to registered with any other breeder organizations. Since the death of Ann Baker in 1997 the IRCA is still an existing association had shrunk in size when Ann Baker passed away. Any Ragdoll cat from the IRCA is not recognized by any cat shows or major cat breed organizations.

Nevertheless, some dissenters who broke away from the IRCA to form their Ragdoll cat groups.
The first breakaway group to break ranks was in 1975 led by Denny and Laura Dayton. Their purpose was to gain mainstream recognition for the Ragdoll cat breed. The Daytons did succeed in their goal when major cat registries like the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) and the Federation Internationale Feline (FIFe) accepted the Ragdoll standard that the group created.
The second group to break ranks was in 1994 that broke away from the IRCA due to the breeding restriction of the Ragdoll cats that was becoming increasing strict to the point that it was stifling them. They would later establish the “Ragamuffin” breed. The group adopted this name due to Ann Baker ownership of the “Ragdoll” name rights. The expiration of the “Ragdoll” name trademark in 2005 enabled the group to use the name. Since the spread of the Ragdoll cat breeds in the US, some were exported to Britain, which led to the establishment of the UK Ragdoll cat breed The UK’s Governing Council of the Cat Fancy group officially recognizes this kind of cat.

cute ragdoll cat white color picture


From its Persian and Birman predecessors, the Ragdoll cats have inherited their characteristics. These features are docility, calmness, and floppy nature. The floppy character of the Ragdoll cats is what gave the name’s breed. When picked up by humans the cat goes limp like a rag doll thanks to its extreme docility. In some situations, the limpness can cause the cats to sleep on top of one another, being stacked like magazines or even lie still when they are pushed accidentally on the floor.

The concern of some Ragdoll cat breeders in Britain is about the breed’s extreme docility. They fear that it can have an adverse impact on the cat. Because of this concern for the extreme docility of the breed these British Ragdoll cat breeders are trying to breed out the trait.
This extreme docility trait has led to wild speculations that it is the result of genetic mutation and that Ragdoll cats are resistant to pain.
The Ragdoll cat’s personality is compared to a dog due to its affectionate nature, intellect, gentle temperament, and relaxed demeanor as well as being an easy to handle as a lap cat. Some call them “puppy cats,” “cat-dogs,” “dog-like cats,” etc. due to the nature of their personality.


Ragdoll cats have a life expectancy between 15 to 25 years old. Note that the lifespan is dependent on its health. A properly cared Ragdoll cat will reach 25 years of age if it owner pays close attention to the maintenance of its good health.


The breed is considered to be one of the domesticated cat breeds that have a large frame and sturdy body along with legs that are proportionate to its overall size. A mature Ragdoll cat male can weigh up more to 12 to 20 pounds (5.4 to 9.1 kg) and is huge for a cat. Full-grown females are smaller compared to Ragdoll cat males and weighs 8 to 15 pounds (3.6 to 6.8 kg).
Colors of the cat’s eyes are either blue or several shades of blue color. It possesses a plush coat that consists of long guard hair while lacking a dense undercoat that reduces matting and shedding.
The breed has six different colors: seal, red, chocolate are the first three while the following three colors blue, cream lilac that are considered “dilute” colors compromises the last three colors.
The cats also possess four different patterns on their coat:
The pointed pattern consists of darkened extremities like the ears, nose, tail and paws.
The mitted pattern is the same as pointed, but paws and abdomen are white. Blaze (the spot or white line on a Ragdoll cat’s face) is either present or absent, and there must have belly stripe and a white chin.
Bicolor pattern comprises of white legs, face with a white inverted V, white abdomen and white patches on the back that are present or not.
Lynx pattern is similar to Bicolor with added tabby markings.
Ragdoll cats as kittens are usually white, but after 8-10 weeks they gain a color and at 3-4 years they now have a full colored-coat.

How much are Ragdoll cats?

The price tag of a Ragdoll cat varies from state to state and breeder to breeder. There are no set pricing standards so that means each breeder can name their price.
Another factor that determines the Ragdoll cat or kitten’s price is the quality of the feline, and there are two types: show quality and pet quality.

Show quality kittens are the expensive ones. These types are considered the perfect and ideal Ragdoll cats that have the physical characteristics as well as bloodline that that any cat shows uses as a category for judging cats of this breed. Pet quality kittens do not have the same standard, but they are still Ragdoll cats. They are healthy and perfect as any regular Ragdoll cat. The only thing that makes “imperfect” for some breeders is minor markings in their coats as well nose and tails.

Generally speaking, show quality cats are at $1000 or more while a pet quality cat is $400, $500 or $800.
The price of the Ragdoll cat depends on what type you want to own. If you just an ordinary house pet for a cat then the pet quality cat is the one for you. If you’re the kind of person who loves to enter, cat shows go for the show quality cat.

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